Sunday, february 18, 2007
He then starts getting very aggressive...
I wish I could understand the nasty things he was saying before the snap.
Rudy! Rudy! Rudy!
After defiling Faulkner's Rowan Oak home the day before, we visited his grave to finish the job.
After a sobering 45 minute service and chant...
Renaud let me have a few minutes with Faulkner.
Pour out a little liquor for the original motherfaulkner!!!
Renaud searched the graveyard for a lost love....
Si Triste!!!!
Grief is beautiful...
Je la connais...
et je ne pourrais pas la oublie...
Pete waited patiently
A tremendous Men's resource in the south, with classes in verbal and physical techniques, as well as a distillery and bingo.
The only driving Renaud has done on the whole trip.
Renaud eyes the beer and wine we cannot buy on Sunday